Encourage your patients to lead a healthy lifestyle to lower their disease risk.
Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity often contribute to the development of cancer as well as many chronic diseases and heart-related conditions. You know the importance of eating right and staying physically active. These materials and programs offer help for your patients to stay on the path to a healthy life.

Patient Education Materials for Your Office
Educational Programs and Resources for Your Patients
5-2-1-Almost None
A simple formula to guide weight loss and help your patients maintain a healthy weight:
- Eat five or more fruits and vegetables each day. Combaten enfermedades y están llenas de energía natural.
- Limit recreational screen time to no more than two hours each day (includes TV, computer, gaming).
- Get an hour or more of physical activity each day.
- Evite las bebidas azucaradas. Even a small amount prevents weight loss.
Mapa de estilo de vida saludable
Our Healthy Lifestyle Map shows you where to buy fresh produce and where to find fitness centers, parks and trails, and yoga centers in Delaware.
Ver el Mapa de estilo de vida saludableEnlaces útiles
Order Free Materials
Printed brochures, fact sheets, and other materials are available to order for your practice, free of charge.
See what’s available to order nowEstilo de vida saludable: mejores decisiones para mejores oportunidades
Si tomamos mejores decisiones, tendremos mejores oportunidades de evitar las enfermedades crónicas. Los comportamientos relacionados con el estilo de vida pueden afectar la salud. This educational resource can help your patients make healthier choices.
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