Healthy employees are good for business.
Fostering a culture that encourages and supports physical activity, healthy eating, and recommended cancer screenings among your employees matters. Programs and toolkits that help you support the development of physical activity, nutrition, and obesity prevention strategies and interventions are available here.
Health Care Connection
This network of providers sees patients at a discounted rate based upon income. If your employees are uninsured, ineligible for medical assistance programs like Medicaid or Medicare, and meet income guidelines, Health Care Connection could be right for them. Call 302-744-1040 or 2-1-1 to learn more.
Enlaces útiles
Vida sana
Viva mejor. Nuestro Mapa de estilo de vida saludable le mostrará dónde puede encontrar productos locales frescos en mercados de agricultores y cómo mantenerse activo en parques y gimnasios locales.
Ver el Mapa de estilo de vida saludableCoordinadores de cuidados oncológicos
If any of your employees have been diagnosed with cancer, these specially trained health professionals can help them find the services they need. Services are free to all Delawareans.
Más información