Delaware Cancer Consortium 2017 Annual Retreat
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Dover Downs
Le damos la bienvenida
Rich Killingsworth, Chief of Health Promotion and Prevention at the Delaware Division of Public Health, welcomes attendees and sets the stage for a day of learning.
Opening Remarks
Kara Odom Walker, MD
Servicios Sociales y de Salud de Delaware
Content and Support for the Issue
I-Min Lee, MD, MPH, Sc.D.
Professor in the Department of Epidemiology
Harvard School of Public Health
Slide Deck

Keynote — Role of Sport and Physical Activity in the Lives of Children
Tom Farrey
Executive Director
Aspen Institute
Slide Deck

Special Comments
The Honorable Bethany Hall-Long
Lieutenant Governor
State of Delaware
The Important Role of Physical Education and Physical Activity in Healthier Children: Achieving the National Standards in Delaware
Irene Cucina
SHAPE America
Slide Deck

The Honorable John C. Carney
State of Delaware
Best Practices in Physical Education and Physical Activity
Mary Puckett, PhD
Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades
Slide Deck

Facilitated Panel Discussion — What Are We Doing in DE?
Richard Killingsworth
Chief of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at the Delaware Division of Public Health
Deborah Bagatta Bowles
President and CEO at YMCA of Delaware
Madeleine Bayard
Vice President at Rodel Foundation of Delaware
Deb Buenaga
Executive Director at Preston’s March for Energy
Jennifer Robbins, MD
General Academic Pediatric Fellow of Division of Weight Management at Nemours A.I. duPont Hospital for Children
Call to Action
Karyl T. Rattay, MD, MS
Division of Public Health
Servicios Sociales y de Salud de Delaware
Closing Remarks
Rich Killingsworth
Chief of Health Promotion and Prevention
Delaware Division of Public Health