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In My Garden

A blog about inspiration, aspiration, and good health.

10 de octubre de 2023

Hello, Friends.

Welcome to my garden! I don’t have a fancy garden, nor do I have much space. In fact, I am a novice gardener. One beautiful thing about gardening is that you don’t need to be an expert gardener or have a lot of land to enjoy all the good things that a garden can give you — mentally, physically, and spiritually.

For me, a garden is where I find simple solutions to complex problems. It is a place where I can be creative, and it allows me to get lost in my own thoughts. It is a place where I can dig in and get dirty. It is OK to have dirt in your fingernails and sweat on your forehead. The birds, bugs, open air, and all the good and bad of the outdoors don’t care how you look.

My garden is not always pretty and well-kept. Invasive species and harsh weather conditions can destroy even the most durable plants and well-maintained gardens. This summer was tough on my garden. Weeds and ants got to me. I found myself stooping down and pulling weeds. While I didn’t like the work, the extra efforts helped pump up my arm muscles and build my core. I am still working on the ants. They are just too smart for me. These tough bugs in the garden challenge me, but they help sharpen my mind.

Imagine the PANO AHL Coalition creating a new garden with hopes of healthy plants everywhere. We are the gardeners and pollinators. There will be barriers and naysayers, just like the harsh conditions this summer. We will need to maintain the garden. We will need to dig in, put in a good mix of soil and nutrients, and nourish the plants. We need to have patience, because plants and flowers have their own timing. We need to follow the rhythm and play along. I will be looking for green shoots along with you.

Finally, I want to share a picture of a T-shirt I got as a member of the Diversity Core Team with the American Cancer Society in 1996. Yes, that was a long time ago. Yet the work is still the same and necessary to maintain good health for every plant in the garden. The back of the shirt read, “A variety of seeds grows a beautiful garden.” Isn’t this a simple theme to address the complex health issues that we are facing in Delaware?

American Cancer Society Diversity Core Team 1996 t-shirt front
American Cancer Society Diversity Core Team 1996 t-shirt back

I’ll share more from “In My Garden” in future blogs. Tell me what’s happening in your garden.

Stay well and healthy,

Bet Key Wong, MSN, RN, CNOR

Bet Wong

Bet Key Wong, MSN, RN, CNOR is a nurse, steward of good health, and social entrepreneur.

Founder and Board of Directors, Nurses & Neighbors

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